How to Play Singing Bowl

Singing bowls can produce a tremendous range of sounds available for your practice or listening pleasure. There is no shortcut to learn it but there are methodology and with continual pratice you can master to play singing bowls. You will be able to bring out these different sounds through using different ringing implements and techniques.

1. Place (don’t touch/hold bowl with your fingers, it may dampen vibration/sound) bowl on palm of one of your hands or on a cushion.

2. Slide/rotate the striker firmly around rim of the bowl with an even pressure and uniform speed to produce vibration/sound.

3. Another method is “gonging” or “striking” the bowls. This is a simple method of producing vibrations by striking the bowl with a wood or padded striker.

The pure sound is produced when the rim is rubbed by the mallet which is said to put the brain into a meditative state. The vibrations of the singing bowls have the same wave length found in the brainwaves that produce feelings of relaxation.

1. Pressure: the friction of the mallet against the outer rim produces vibrations which result in sound.
2. Speed: Usually you tend to speed up! Let the sound build up slowly as the singing bowl picks up the vibration.

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