About the Colors used in the Mandala

Traditionally, a thangka painting is very colorful. The word “Mandala” is Sanskrit for “Circle” and is a spiritual symbol representing all aspects of life. Each mandala has it’s own unique story and meaning, based off of each individual’s journey. Mandalas are often used for meditation and are used to to achieve a feeling of wholeness. Coloring mandalas is a form of art therapy meant to relieve stress and increase focus while exercising the brain and expressing creativity.

The colors draw your attention so can’t help but looking at it, and that’s exactly the goal, as a thanka wants to communicate something to the person looking at it. The mandala stands for ideal ‘universe of the self’, the highest level of consciousness, the enlightened state of mind.

The conventional colors used in a traditional Tibetan Buddhist mandala are blue, green, red, yellow and white.

Did you know that the way that you color your mandala can also change the meaning? Take a look at each color and it’s meaning!

RED: Strength, high energy and passion
PINK: Love, intuition and the feminine
ORANGE: Creativity, transformation, self-awareness and intuition
YELLOW: Learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness
GREEN: Physical healing, psychic ability, love of nature and caring
BLUE: Emotional healing, inner peace and meditation
PURPLE: All things spiritual
WHITE: Spiritual focus
BLACK: Mystery, deep thinking and individuality

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